CXC to Release 2014 Results in St Vincent and the Grenadines

CXC to Release 2014 Results in St Vincent and the Grenadines

St Vincent and the Grenadines will host the Caribbean Examinations Council’s (CXC) annual release of

results for the May/June examinations on Monday 18 August 2014.


The event will be held at the Peace Memorial Hall in Kingstown and starts at 10:00 am.


Dr the Honourable Ralph Gonsalves, Prime Minister of St Vincent and the Grenadines will be the feature

speaker at the event. Honourable Girlyn Miguel, Minister of Education will give an address, while Mr

Glenroy Cumberbatch, Acting Registrar of CXC will give remarks.


Dr Charles Mayenga, Senior Assistant Registrar – Examinations Development and Production Division

will present the results for the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE), Caribbean

Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC), Caribbean Certificate of Secondary Level Competence (CCSLC),

Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) and Caribbean Primary Exit Assessment (CPEA).


Mrs Susan Giles, Senior Assistant Registrar – Examinations Administration and Security Division will

speak about the issues relating to examinations administration and electronic marking or e-marking.


The speeches will be punctuated by two cultural performances.


Principals of the island’s primary and secondary schools along with CXC resource persons in St Vincent

and the Grenadines and education stakeholders are expected to attend the event. Primary schools in St

Vincent and the Grenadines took the CPEA for the first time this year.


The event will be broadcast live on CMC CaribVision channels and streamed live on the Internet

at, and

Last year’s release of results was hosted in St Kitts and Nevis.


For more information, please contact Cleveland Sam, Assistant Registrar – Public Information and

Customer Services at (246) 227-1892 or via e-mail at