CXC bid farewell to its fifth Registrar, Dr Didacus Jules at a function held in his honour at the Hilton Barbados Resort on 22 April 2014. Dr Jules resigned as CXC’s Registrar, a post he held for six (6) years, to take up the post of the Director General for the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS). Present at the function were several high ranking government officials and CARICOM representatives. It was noted that Dr Jules had been instrumental in the negotiations which resulted in CXC attaining its new headquarters building at The Pine, St Michael. In recognition of his efforts in this regard, amongst the gifts presented to him was a glass caricature of the new CXC headquarters building.

The tributes and accolades bestowed upon Dr Jules at this event included those given by CXC’s Chairman Professor E. Nigel Harris, Deputy Chairman Mrs Chanelle Petty-Barrett, other members of the governance body and staff representatives. Also included were a special rendition to the ‘Guest of Honour’ of Bette Midler’s ‘Wind Beneath My Wings’ and a Creole Folklore tribute staged by the CXC Chorale.

A myriad of descriptions were proffered of the outgoing leader, which included visionary, Caribbean man, radical leader, rebel with a cause and he was even portrayed as a Tropical Storm.

See below the tribute paid to Dr Jules by Wayne Morgan, the President of the Support and Ancillary Union group.

This is an official bulletin for the Caribbean Region for Tropical Storm DJ, originating out of St Lucia.

This is Advisory #1.

Tropical Storm DJ originated in St Lucia, and has had a direct effect on St Lucia, St Vincent, Dominica and Grenada.

Tropical Storm DJ, made landfall in Barbados at the Caribbean Examinations Council on 2 April 2008, and since then has be wreaking havoc on inefficiencies, low flying staff and out-dated processes. Since reaching land, tropical Storm DJ has been known to lead in the merger of divisions, improve the IT infrastructure and systems of CXC and manage to massage the political will to construct our new CXC Headquarters in the Pine after 40 years. Tropical Storm DJ is centred on building a CXC that is world-class.

Since arriving to the island, Tropical Storm DJ wind-span has reduced as he made a valiant effort in taking care of his health. Whether it was swimming, playing tennis or walking,

Maximum sustained winds of vision are very present with gusts of straight-talk and veiled promises of being the wind beneath the wings of those who strive for excellence. Life-threatening surf and rip currents did not go unnoticed.

On its present path, Tropical Storm DJ is expected to hit the OECS on 1 May 2014. On its present course, minimal central pressure is expected. Those at the OECS offices are urged to move out of low-lying areas and seek shelter. Tropical force winds are expected to extend outwards as Tropical Storm DJ is expected to remain large system in the foreseeable future.

You may contact your local common sense for more details.

10-4 Sir, over and out…

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