Staff Learning and Development
Staff learning and development continues to be pivotal to ensure human performance improvement throughout the organization and as such is linked to CXC’s organizational strategic priorities. CXC continues to demonstrate its commitment to staff development through its consistent significant investment in this programme on an annual basis.

The main focus areas of learning and development initiatives at CXC are:

  1. Current job performance improvement – job related developmental areas as identified by the employee assessments and developmental plans.
  2. Organizational capacity – associated with continuous improvements in leadership, risk management, coaching, technology innovations, process and overall performance.
  3. Professional development – to ensure that staff gain new knowledge and skills and remain updated with developments not only in their areas of expertise but also to meet the changing needs of the organisation.
  4. Educational programmes/ Personal benefits – individually initiated development goals of staff.

Performance Management

As CXC moves towards being an IT-intelligent organisation where it is continuously seeking ways to improve both efficiency and effectiveness, the Council is reliant on the robustness of the Performance Management Programme to identify not only performance gaps but also to assist with the identification of employees with the potential for further development for upward mobility and possible emerging roles within the organization.

As a result, this year the there was a determined focus on ensuring that the performance management tool was being utilized to optimize the quality of data to inform decision making. This will continue in 2017 as we move to implement our succession planning programme.

The table below illustrates the investment in human capital development for the year up to September 2016.

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