The Caribbean Examinations Council® (CXC®) Signs MOU with the Council of Community Colleges of Jamaica (CCCJ)

The Caribbean Examinations Council® (CXC®) Signs MOU with the Council of Community Colleges of Jamaica (CCCJ)

BRIDGETOWN, Barbados – In keeping with the Caribbean Examinations Council’s (CXC®) strategic mandate to make an even greater impact on the region’s education system, it has pursued many partnerships with educational institutions, both regionally and internationally. The latest such collaboration has been formalised with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Council of Community Colleges of Jamaica (CCCJ), the statutory agency under the Ministry of Education with oversight for community colleges in Jamaica.

The MOU was signed at the Launch of CXC’s 2021-2025 Strategic Plan at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel on Friday, 29 January 2021. The MOU signatories were Dr Wayne Wesley, Registrar and CEO of CXC® and Dr Donna Powell Wilson, Executive Director of the CCCJ.

The MOU will allow for faculty of the CCCJ to act as resource persons, moderators, subject panellists, review committee members and resource persons in the development of learning support resources, examining committees and CXC’s Research Advisory Group.

In addition, the MOU will also allow for collaboration on research for the digital transformation of the education system and the collaboration on faculty and staff development to advance teaching, learning and assessment in the Caribbean. CXC® also commits to the sharing of examination results for matriculation purposes as is authorised by candidates.

Another feature of the MOU is the articulation of seven of the CXC®-Associate Degree (CXC®-AD) programmes. The alignment of these programmes will ensure that candidates who hold the CXC®-AD qualification will be able to matriculate into the CCCJ’s bachelor’s degree programme. According to Dr Powell Wilson in her closing remarks at the signing of the CXC®/CCCJ MOU; “the community colleges stand ready to receive students with the CXC® Associate degree”.

About CXC®:

The Caribbean Examinations Council® (CXC®) was established in 1972 under Agreement by the Participating Governments in the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). CXC® assures the global human resource competitiveness of the Caribbean through the provision of syllabuses of the highest quality; valid and reliable examinations and certificates of international repute for students of all ages, abilities and interests; services to educational institutions in the development of syllabuses, examinations and examinations’ administration, in the most cost-effective way.
CXC® comprises 16 Participating Countries: Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Belize, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Montserrat, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago and Turks and Caicos Islands.
The first examinations for the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate® (CSEC®) were offered in 1979 in five subjects. Subsequent to CSEC®, CXC® has introduced a comprehensive suite of qualifications to meet the needs of the region: Caribbean Primary Exit Assessment™ (CPEA™), Caribbean Certificate of Secondary Level Competence® (CCSLC®), *Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ), Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination® (CAPE®) and the CXC® Associate Degree (CXC®-AD).
The organisation also collaborates with countries in the Dutch Caribbean – Curaçao, Saba, St Eustatius and St Maarten, as well as Suriname.
Additional information about the Caribbean Examinations Council® can be found at

*Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) is the trademark of the Caribbean Association of National Training Authorities. CXC® is one of the National Training Agencies in the Caribbean which awards CVQs.

For further information kindly contact us at +1 (246) 227-1700 or email (Barbados), or for queries in Jamaica at + 1 (876) 630-5200 or email: