The Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) is among the sponsors of an exciting tech event being hosted in Jamaica in mid-April. Dubbed HackGenY, the Jamaica Hackathon – a software programming marathon – will be hosted on 11-12 April at the Start Up Jamaica facility.
Young tech savvy Jamaicans, ages 13-19 years old will learn new tools, get connected to the community and build new applications during an intensive 30-hour coding marathon starting at mid-day on Saturday 11 April until Sunday evening.
CXC will sponsor the prize for the Most Impressive Application developed by a group. Each member of the group will be offered free registration for all his/her subjects in the next CXC examination, that is, CCSLC, CSEC or CAPE. Ayodele Pompey, CXC’s webmaster will also participate in the event as a mentor. Teams will be able to request his assistance throughout the hackathon.
The organizer of the competition is 16-year-old entrepreneur Jadan Johnson, regarded as Jamaica’s youngest executive.