The CVQ and CAPE new generation subjects are designed to prepare learners to contribute to economic development as certified employees or as employers. The CVQ is offered in one hundred and ninety-two occupational areas. So far, CXC certifies those who pursue studies in forty-seven occupational areas. These learners have the competencies to do the job. The most popular occupational areas are Data Operations and Commercial Food Preparation.
The CAPE new generation subjects are linked directly to the economies of the region. The list includes Digital Media, Logistics and Supply Chain Operations, Entrepreneurship, Tourism, Performing Arts, Agriculture Science, Physical Education and Sport, Green Engineering, Animation and Game Design and Financial Services Studies. Currently Design and Technology and Biotechnology are being developed. Work will begin this year on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics.
These are all necessary if we are to succeed in growing the economies in the region and improving the standard of living for all Caribbean people.