“While I applaud the appointment of Dr Didacus Jules as Director General of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean
States (OECS), his leaving CXC will represent a tremendous loss to the organization.”
That is the view of Professor E Nigel Harris, Chairman of CXC and Vice Chancellor of the University of the West
Indies. Professor Harris was responding to the announcement that Dr Didacus Jules, current Registrar of CXC has
been selected by the OECS Authority as the sub-region’s next Secretary General.
“During the six years of his tenure as CXC Registrar, Dr Jules sought to accomplish transformational changes in the
organization,” Professor Harris stated. These he said included the aggressive use of Information and Communication
Technologies to make CXC an IT-intelligent organization, expansion of outreach to global education organisations,
significant broadening of international recognition and currency for CXC certification, and the engagement of regional
leaders in both government and opposition in confronting some of the challenges of the region.
Professor Harris also lauded Dr Jules for his leadership in securing a new CXC Headquarters in Barbados and noted
that this would be one of Dr Jules’ enduring legacies.
Dr Jules expressed his appreciation for “the tremendous privilege and trust extended by the Council in my
appointment and in fully supporting the transformation of the organization over the past six years.” He thanked the
Pro-Registrar, Mr Glenroy Cumberbatch, the management team and the staff for their contribution to this collective
effort and for the amazing journey that the experience had been.
“I am confident that once we have completed the new Strategic Plan 2020, which will be brought for approval in April,
the transformational direction of CXC will be consolidated and expanded”
Dr Jules leaves CXC in mid-April and is expected to take up his new position on 1 May.
Dr Jules joined CXC on 2 April 2008, becoming its fifth Registrar.
For further information, please contact Cleveland Sam, Public Information Officer at (246) 227 1892 or via e-mail