Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) electronic testing is coming soon! Electronic testing will allow learners to take their CXC examinations on a computer or electronic device. This exciting, new initiative is in keeping with CXC’s commitment to observe global quality standards in the delivery of examination services and deliver enhanced learner experiences through the consistent use of technology.
Electronic testing will bring regional learners up to speed with worldwide test-taking practices and provide them with the flexibility to interact with images, video, audio and other resources during their examinations. CXC’s electronic testing format will adhere to world-class security standards which will guarantee the integrity of the test taking. The Council will launch this platform for all January 2017 Caribbean Secondary Education Certification (CSEC) multiple choice exams.
CXC will pilot its electronic testing platform during the week of 25 April 2016. This is an excellent opportunity for candidates who are registered for the May/June 2016 CSEC and Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) to practice ahead of their exams. For both CSEC and CAPE, candidates selected to participate in electronic pre-test must be registered for the May/June 2016 examinations.
The format of the examinations will be Multiple Choice for all Paper 01, and Structured/short answer questions for Paper 2s and 3/2s for Cape Units 1 and 2 – Applied Mathematics and Geography.
The CSEC subjects that will be pre-tested electronically include Additional Mathematics, Information Technology, Principles of Accounts, Biology, Caribbean History, English A, Mathematics, Office Administration, and Religious Education. The CAPE subjects to be pre-tested electronically are Agricultural Science, Units 1 and 2; Communication Studies, Environmental Science Units 1 and 2; Applied Mathematics Units 1 and 2; and Structured Papers 2 and 3/2; Digital Media Units 1 and 2, Geography Units 1 andv2, Structured Papers 2 and 3/2; Caribbean Studies Unit 1;
Entrepreneurship Units 1 and 2, History Unit 1, Logistics and Supply Chain Units 1 Multiple Choice, and Tourism Units 1 and 2.
How will the candidates be selected for this pre-test?
It sounds good but you need go tell us more. For example, will the students have a set period to take a test (e.g. Friday 20 June 2016 at 9:00am)? Will the student have to take the test at a specified location / centre like a school?
Excellent idea. I hope the school I work at will be included in the pilot run.
Please keep me updated so I can inform my biology students. It is a great opportunity.
Sounds exciting. How are the students selected for this etesting?
The concern is how will large numbers of students access enough devices to do the exams and how will it be policed to avoid cheating?
I agree, this is not a good testing system even though it is old dates I prefer it this way.
1. Who will provide the devices?
2. How will candidates be monitored?
3. How would large numbers be facilitated in terms of numbers of devices available eg English A and Math?
4. Would wifi access be available in all areas of the Caribbean?
Great, Great, way to go CXC. I just love it. Most definitely our students will be more excited about taking exams, with less fear .
Just wondering if our school will be chosen for pre-testing.
I am the PTA President of Godfrey Stewart High in Westmoreland, Jamaica and I am so happy that this pretest is possible. i am encouraging my Principal to ensure the students get a chance to sit.
It is coincidental that this is coming out now because not too long ago I was telling my students that the way technology is going they would soon be writing csec exams electronically – and here it is. Good going!!!!
I am excited about this proposal…I am plugging for maximum use of technology in teaching and testing.
Of course I am confident that CXC will ensure all systems to be employed will be trouble-free.
Anxious to see results of the pre-test.
I am excited for our students. A step into the future why not? we are marking on line. I hope my school is in the pilot stage.
Looking forward to the results!
I am excited for our students. A step into the future why not? we are marking on line. I hope my school is in the pilot stage.
Looking forward to the results!!
The students doing exams online that’s great why not we are marking their exams online!I know CXC would have a high standard. It would be good for students anxiety as well.I hope my school is selected in this pilot!
How does the pre testing works? Does it mean the student write the electronic exam as compared to doing past papers? How will it be marked?
Electronic testing is a good idea. However, I have the following questions:
1.) Who will be putting in the necessary systems that are needed at the schools to ensure that the computers the students are using are working to its greatest potential especially since that paper 1 is actually 90 minutes for 60 multiple choice items. ?
2.) Secondly, I know that the piloting for electronic testing is being done within this month and that some schools are asked to select a number of candidates. My question is what exactly is the purpose of this test :
Is it only to test whether the systems we have at the school are enough to proceed with the complete electronic testing next year or is it also to test out the Math items ? Question is being asked so as give the school a better idea of whether to have a set criteria to select our candidates for the piloting test or just select them at random.
3.) Thirdly, if the schools do not have the system needed to do this type of testing, will CXc invest some money in assisting the schools to reach the standard or is there already a backup plan for that ?
This idea of electronic testing is excellent . How the schools without such device do the pre- test?
When this testing is fully in place by CXC, the schools in Guyana will have to be provided with the electronic device. Would the Ministry of Education or CXC provide these devices since security and validity of the examination is of paramount importance?
Thumbs up to CXC up for an innovative and upward stride. It does make sense that we all tap into the electronic trend of devices being used by our people.
Meantime, I trust that this move by CXC will be stirring up the need for much more electronic usage in our classrooms. Even shared devices in cooperative learning settings could be a starting approach for the new classroom learning experience.
To the CXC technocrats – may your technological advancements flourish.
– Blessings –
I am requesting that Belmont Academy be a part of this pilot testing.
it is a great idea . but i don”t think that some of the Students are fully ready for such a challenge of having to do CXC on a computer .. if just doing it on paper get them nervous, what are they gonna do when it comes to the computer? not forgetting that a computer is a very funny device .. just one wrong touch and everything is gone … and most of the high schools are at a better advantage than the lower schools … some schools don’t even have computers , talk less of doing CXC electronically .. so then again i dont thing Guyana in General is ready for such and up grade …………..