The Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) examination is offered in January for re-sit and private candidates and in May/June for in-school candidates and private candidates.
CSEC subjects are examined for certification at the General and Technical Proficiencies. The General and Technical Proficiencies provide students with the foundation for further studies and entry to the workplace.
The Council now offers a total of 33 subjects, that is, 28 subjects at General Proficiency and 5 at Technical Proficiency.
The six-point grading scheme reports on the performance of the candidate under six overall and profile grades as follows:
Overall grades – I, II, III, IV, V, VI
Profile grades – A, B, C, D, E, F
The Council has advised tertiary institutions and Ministries of Education in participating territories that Grades I – III at the General and Technical Proficiencies should be considered as satisfying the matriculation requirement for four-year programmes at universities and entry requirement to community colleges, teachers’ colleges and any tertiary institution offering post-secondary programmes.
Regional Awards Criteria
The Six-Point Grading Scheme
The Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC®) introduced a six-point grading scheme for the Caribbean
Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC®), in the May/June 1998 examinations.
The six-point grading scheme reports on the performance of the candidate under six overall and profile
grades as follows:
Overall grades – I, II, III, IV, V, VI
Profile grades – A, B, C, D, E, F
Equivalence Between The Six-point and Previous Five-Point Grading Schemes
The Council has determined that in the General, Technical and Basic Proficiencies, Grades I – III in the new
scheme are equivalent to Grades I – II in the old scheme.
Entry to Tertiary Institutions
The Council has advised tertiary institutions and Ministries of Education in participating territories that
Grades I – III at the General and Technical Proficiencies should be considered as satisfying the
matriculation requirement for four-year programs at universities and entry requirement to community
colleges, teachers’ colleges and any tertiary institution offering post-CSEC® programs.
Recognition of the Six-Point Grading Scheme
Since the CXC® examinations retain their traditional high standards, the certificate will continue to be
accepted regionally and internationally. Already the Universities of the West Indies and Guyana, other
tertiary institutions and several external educational institutions have accepted Grades I – III at the General
and Technical Proficiencies for matriculation.
The Council has determined that Grades I – IV at the General and Technical Proficiencies and Grades I – III
at the Basic Proficiency represent satisfactory grades for entry-level employment.
Advantages of the Six-Point Grading Scheme
The six-point grading scheme ensures a sharper distinction between the quality of performance at each
grade. Thus, tertiary institutions and employers will be more clearly informed about the candidate’s level of
Grade and Profile Descriptions
The overall grade and profile descriptions are:
Overall Grades
- GRADE I: Candidate shows a comprehensive grasp of the key concepts, knowledge, skills and competencies required by the syllabus.
- GRADE II: Candidate shows a good grasp of the key concepts, knowledge, skills and competencies required by the syllabus.
- GRADE III: Candidate shows a fairly good grasp of the key concepts, knowledge, skills and abilities required by the syllabus.
- GRADE IV: Candidate shows a moderate grasp of the key concepts, knowledge, skills and competencies required by the syllabus.
- GRADE V: Candidate shows a limited grasp of the key concepts, knowledge, skills and competencies required by the syllabus.
- GRADE VI: Candidate shows a very limited grasp of the key concepts, knowledge, skills and competencies required by the syllabus.
Profile Grades
- A Outstanding
- B Good
- C Fairly Good
- D Moderate
- E Weak
- F Poor