CSEC Regional Awards Criteria

CSEC Regional Awards Criteria



The criteria for identifying and selecting candidates for outstanding achievement were last revised by the Sub-Committee of the School Examinations Committee (SUBSEC) at its meeting in December 2007.  Awards are presented to candidates for outstanding achievement in the following categories:

  1. Overall Outstanding Achievement
  2. Outstanding Performance in Humanities
  3. Outstanding Performance in Sciences
  4. Outstanding Performance in Business
  5. Outstanding Performance in Technical Vocational
  6. Best Short Story
  7. Best Visual Arts (Two-dimensional)
  8. Best Visual Arts (Three-dimensional)

The criteria for each award is described below.

  1. Award for Overall Outstanding Achievement 

    Part I: Eligibility Criteria 

    In order to be eligible for this award, a candidate must attain Grade I, at General or Technical Proficiency, in at least EIGHT subjects taken at a single sitting. These subjects must include:

    1. English A
    2. Mathematics OR Additional Mathematics
    3. ONE subject from EACH of the following three groups:
      1. French, Spanish, Portuguese
      2. Caribbean History, Geography, Religious Education, Social Studies, English B
      3. Agricultural Science (Single Award) or Agricultural Science  (Double Award), Biology, Chemistry, Human and Social Biology, Integrated Science (Single Award), Physics, Information Technology, Additional Mathematics (if written concurrently with Mathematics)
    4. ONE subject from any one of the following subgroup(s):
      Business Studies
      Economics, Electronic Document Preparation and Management, Office Administration, Principles of Accounts, Principles of BusinessTechnical Vocational Studies
      Building Technology: Woods OR Building Technology: Construction, Clothing and Textiles, Electrical and Electronic Technology, Food and Nutrition, Home Economics: Management, Information Technology, Mechanical Engineering Technology, Technical DrawingCreative and Expressive Arts
      Music, Visual Arts, Theatre Arts, Physical Education and Sport
    5. TWO additional subjects chosen from any CSEC® offerings, including those listed at c) and d) above. Agricultural Science Double Award counts as two subjects.

    Part II: Ranking Criteria (Overall)

    Ranking will be first on Ranking Criterion i) listed below. If a tie-breaker is required, then Ranking Criterion ii) will be considered. As necessary, subsequent criteria will be considered in order to resolve such ties as may arise.

    The outstanding candidate will be selected from the eligible candidates who will be ranked in order of:

    1. Excellence: The total number of Grade I’s attained
    2. Profile Performance I: The profile performance in subjects considered at Ranking Criterion i) above
    3. T-score I: The total of T-scores for subjects considered at Ranking Criterion I) above
    4. General Capacity I–II: The total number of Grades I–II attained;
    5. Profile Performance I–II: The profile performance on the subjects considered at Ranking Criterion iii)
    6. T-score II: The total of T-scores for subjects considered at Ranking Criterion IV)
  2. Award for Outstanding Performance in Humanities
    Part I: Eligibility Criteria
    In order to be eligible for this award, a candidate must attain Grade I, in at least SEVEN subjects taken at a single sitting. These subjects must include:

      1. English A
      2. Mathematics OR Additional Mathematics
      3. THREE subjects from the following Group 1 subjects:
        Group 1

        • Caribbean History
        • Geography
        • Religious Education
        • Social Studies
      4. TWO subjects from the following Group 2 subjects:

    Group 2

      • English B
      • French
      • Spanish
      • Portuguese

    Part II: Ranking Criteria (Humanities)

    Ranking will be first on Ranking Criterion i) listed below. If a tie-breaker is required, then Ranking Criterion ii) will be considered. As necessary, subsequent criteria will be considered in order to resolve such ties as may arise.

    The outstanding candidate will be selected from among eligible candidates ranked in order of:

    1. Excellence in Group 1 subjects: The total number of Grade I’s attained in the Group 1 subjects taken
    2. Cognate Profile Performance I (a): Profile performance on the subjects considered at Ranking Criterion i) above
    3. T-score I: The total of T-scores for subjects considered at Ranking Criterion i) above
    4. Excellence in Group 1 & Group 2 Subjects: The total number of Grade I’s attained in the Group 1 and Group 2 subjects taken
    5. Cognate Profile Performance I (b): Profile performance on the subjects considered at Ranking Criterion iv)
    6. T-score II: The total of T-scores for subjects considered at Ranking Criterion iv)
    7. Cognate Area Capacity (Group 1): The total number of Grades I–II attained in the Group 1 subjects taken
    8. Cognate Profile Performance (Group 1) I–I: Profile performance on the subjects considered at Ranking Criterion vii)
    9. T-score III: The total of T-scores for subjects considered at Ranking Criterion vii) above
    10. Cognate Area Capacity (Group 1 & Group 2): The total number of Grades I–II attained in the Group 1 and Group 2 subjects taken
    11. Cognate Profile Performance I–II (Group 1 & Group 2): Profile performance on the subjects considered at Ranking Criterion vii) above
    12. T-score IV: The total of T-scores for subjects considered at Ranking Criterion x) above.
  3. Award for Outstanding Performance in Sciences
    Part I: Eligibility Criteria
    In order to be eligible for this award, a candidate must attain Grade I, at General or Technical Proficiency, in at least SEVEN subjects taken at a single sitting. These subjects must include:

    1. English A
    2. Mathematics OR Additional Mathematics
    3. The following THREE Group 1 subjects:
      Group 1

      • Biology
      • Chemistry
      • Physics
    4. TWO additional subjects from Group 2
      Group 2

      • Agricultural Science (Single Award) or Agricultural Science (Double Award)
      • Additional Mathematics (if written concurrently with Mathematics)
      • Human and Social Biology
      • Integrated Science

    Part II: Ranking Criteria (Science)

    Ranking will be first on Ranking Criterion i) listed below. If a tie-breaker is required, then Ranking Criterion ii) will be considered. As necessary, subsequent criteria will be considered in order to resolve such ties as may arise.

    The outstanding candidate will be selected from among eligible candidates ranked in order of:

    1. Excellence in the Cognate Area: The total number of Grade I’s attained in the Group 1 and Group 2 subjects taken
    2. Cognate Profile Performance I: Profile performance on the subjects considered at Ranking Criterion i) above
    3. T-score I: The total of T-scores for subjects considered at Ranking Criterion i) above
    4. Cognate Area Capacity: The total number of Grades I–II attained in the Group 1 and Group 2 subjects taken
    5. Cognate Profile Performance I–II: Profile performance on the subjects considered at Ranking Criterion iii) above
    6. T-score II: The total of T-scores for subjects considered at Ranking Criterion iv) above
  4. Award for Outstanding Performance in Business
    Part I: Eligibility Criteria
    In order to be eligible for this award, a candidate must attain Grade I, at General or Technical Proficiency, in at least SEVEN subjects taken at a single sitting. These subjects must include:

    1. English A
    2. Mathematics OR Additional Mathematics
    3. The following THREE Group 1 subjects:
      Group 1

      • Principles of Accounts
      • Principles of Business
      • Economics
    4. TWO subjects from the listed Group 2 subjects
      Group 2

      • Office Administration
      • Electronic Document Preparation and Management or Information Technology

    Part II: Ranking Criteria (Business)

    Ranking will be first on Ranking Criterion i) listed below. If a tie-breaker is required, then Ranking Criterion ii) will be considered. As necessary, subsequent criteria will be considered in order to resolve such tie as may arise.

    The outstanding candidate will be selected from among eligible candidates ranked in order of:

    1. Excellence in the Cognate Area: The total number of Grade I’s attained of the Group 1 and Group 2 subjects taken
    2. Cognate Profile Performance I: Profile performance on the subjects considered at Ranking Criterion i) above
    3. T-score I: The total of T-scores for subjects considered at Ranking Criterion i) above
    4. Cognate area capacity: The total number of Grades I-II attained in the Group1 and Group 2 subjects taken
    5. Cognate Profile Performance I-II: Profile performance on the subjects considered at Ranking Criterion iii) above
    6. T-score II: The total of T-scores for subjects considered at Ranking Criterion IV) above
  5. Award for Outstanding Performance in Technical Vocational

    Part I: Qualifying Criteria
    In order to be eligible for this award, a candidate must attain Grade I, at General or Technical Proficiency, in at least SEVEN subjects taken at a single sitting. These subjects must include:

    1. English A
    2. Mathematics OR Additional Mathematics
    3. THREE subjects from any of the following Group 1 subjects:
      Group 1

      • Electrical and Electronic Technology (Technical)
      • Building Technology: Woods or Construction (Technical)
      • Mechanical Engineering Technology (Technical)
      • Food and Nutrition (General)
      • Clothing and Textiles (General)
      • Home Economics: Management (General)
    4. TWO subjects from any of the following Group 2 subjects:
      Group 2

      • Electrical and Electronic Technology (Technical)
      • Building Technology: Woods or Construction (Technical)
      • Mechanical Engineering Technology (Technical)
      • Food and Nutrition (General)
      • Clothing and Textiles (General)
      • Home Economics: Management (General)
      • Agricultural Science (Single Award) or Agricultural Science (Double Award)
      • Technical Drawing (General)
      • Information Technology (General)

    Part II: Ranking Criteria (Technical Vocational)

    Ranking will be first on Ranking Criterion i) listed below. If a tie-breaker is required, then Ranking Criterion ii) will be considered. As necessary, subsequent criteria will be considered in order to resolve such ties as may arise.

    The outstanding candidate will be selected from among eligible candidates ranked in order of:

    1. Excellence in the Cognate Area: The total number of Grade I’s attained in the Group 1 subjects
    2. Cognate Profile Performance I: Profile performance on the subjects considered at Ranking Criterion i) above
    3. T-score I: The total of T-scores for subjects considered at Ranking Criterion i) above
    4. Cognate Area Capacity: The total number of Grades I–II attained in the Group 1 and Group 2 subjects taken
    5. Cognate Profile Performance I–II: Profile performance on the subjects considered at Ranking Criterion iii) above
    6. T-score II: The total of T-scores for subjects considered at Ranking Criterion iv) above
  6. Award for Outstanding Performance in the Creative and Expressive Arts [New]
    Part I: Qualifying Criteria
    In order to be eligible for this award, a candidate must attain Grade I, at General or Technical Proficiency, in at least SEVEN subjects taken at a single sitting. These subjects must include:

    1. English A
    2. Mathematics OR Additional Mathematics
    3. Any THREE subjects from Group 1:
      Group 1

      • Music
      • Visual Arts
      • Theatre Arts
      • Physical Education and Sport
    4. TWO additional subjects chosen from any CSEC® offerings, including those listed at Group 1 above.

    Part II: Ranking Criteria (Creative and Expressive Arts)

    Ranking will be first on Ranking Criterion i) listed below. If a tie-breaker is required, then Ranking Criterion ii) will be considered. As necessary, subsequent criteria will be considered in order to resolve such ties as may arise.

    The outstanding candidate will be selected from among eligible candidates ranked in order of:

    1. Excellence in the Cognate Area: The total number of Grade I’s attained in Group 1
    2. Cognate Profile Performance I: Profile performance on the subjects considered at Ranking Criterion i) above
    3. T-score I: The total of T-scores for subjects considered at Ranking Criterion i) above.
    4. Cognate Area Capacity: The total number of Grades I–II attained in the subjects taken
    5. Cognate Profile Performance I-II: Profile performance on the subjects considered at Ranking Criterion iii) above
    6. T-score II: The total of T-scores for subjects considered at Ranking Criterion iv) above.

Notwithstanding the criteria above, the Council reserves the right to use its discretion in making any of the awards.



REVISED: 11 October 2016