The Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) launched its first mobile App – CXC Connect – on Wednesday 26 July in Barbados during a ceremony hosted at Sky Mall, Haggatt Hall, St Michael in Barbados.
The ceremony, which ran from 1:00 to 2:00 pm was part of an almost full-day activity at the mall. Starting at 11:00 am patrons were able to interact with CXC staff, asked questions and encouraged to download the new App.
Honourable Ronald Jones, Minister of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation in Barbados, delivered the key note address, in which he congratulated CXC on launching the new App and noted CXC’s progress in incorporating modern information and communications technologies in its processes. Gabriel Abed, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Bitt Inc. was the guest speaker. Mr Abed noted the relevance of what CXC is doing recounted his experience of taking CSEC IT while attending secondary School in Barbados and how it helped him in charting his career path.
Mr Stephen Savoury, Director of Operations at CXC gave remarks, while Mr Ayodele Pompey, CXC Webmaster demonstrated the various features of the App.
Gentle Steps Arts Academy provided entertainment throughout the launch and Mylez Gittens thrilled the audience during the official ceremony with his exploits on the violin. He did an encore!
The launch of the CXC Connect Mobile App in Guyana was hosted at the new Giftland Mall on Monday 31 July. Honourable Nicolette Henry, Minister of Education in Guyana delivered the key note address; while Ms Jennifer Britton, Deputy Programme Manager, ICT for Development, CARICOM was the guest speaker. Stephen Savoury, Director of Operations gave remarks and Ayodele Pompey, Webmaster gave a demonstration of the App.
The speeches were punctuated by performances from pannist Andrew Tyndall; Tevona Cole of the National Dance Company performed a piece entitled “Aspirations” and spoken word poet Mark Luke Edwards read satirical piece entitled “Thank you CXC”.
Read articles from the launch of the App by clicking on these links: