CXC views the Caribbean Diaspora as holding tremendous potential for growth of it subject offerings outside the Caribbean, as well as providing resource persons to serve on its various subject panels and examining committees. The United Kingdom in particular with its traditional strong Caribbean Diaspora is viewed as a good test case for this approach. CXC is therefore working with the gamset Barbados High Commission in London to arrange a series of stakeholder engagements in the UK during the week of 14-17 November.
The CXC team will hold a one-day meeting all of CXC’s business partners in the United Kingdom on Monday 14 November. A meeting will be held with Caribbean High Commissioners on Tuesday 15 November as well as with private and public education providers.
A public town hall meeting is slated for Thursday 17 November with members of the Caribbean Diaspora in the United Kingdom. The venue for the town hall meeting will be posted on CXC’s Facebook by Friday 4 November.