The OECS CXC-Notesmaster program is aimed at supporting Ministries of Education across the OECS, in building on their existing ICT capacities and generating new digital resources to better serve their stakeholders. A collaborative approach has been developed to build a community of practice involving local Ministries of Education, throughout the OECS and wider Caribbean. This approach has each member state select a set of subjects, with the aim of increasing the repository of Open Educational Resources(OER) and giving teachers a greater appreciation of the many features available on the platform.
Dominica teachers introduced to the digital transition to Virtual Classes on the Platform
Following our successful ongoing support to the British Virgin Islands, the Ministry of Education in Dominica, was next to benefit from this initiative. On April 12 and 13 at the Newton Primary School, over 40 Mathematics and English secondary school teachers were introduced to the platform. These teachers were fully trained in the following areas:
- Access the toolkits (Virtual Subject Associations) for Mathematics and English
- Create Virtual Classes
- Create high quality Open Educational Resources(OER) for Mathematics and English
- Utilizing the cloud storage to eliminate printing, photocopying and having an organized file manager.
- Sharing OERs with virtual classes for students to learn while on their mobile devices
- Finding OERs from different territories and sharing best practices.