As we continue to provide information for stakeholders on school based assessment, this month we remind you of aspects of the CXC SBA policy.
In 2011, CXC implemented an SBA policy that outlines the way SBAs should be conducted. The following are key components of the policy:
- Group/team work of SBA should be encouraged and utilized where appropriate.
- Students doing more than one subject in a cognate group (for example, the Sciences) should submit one SBA per cognate group.
- Each SBA across levels should be of consistent size. Word count should not exceed 1000 for CSEC and 1500 for CAPE subjects.
- The term School-Based Assessment replaces other terms used at various levels for internal assessment.
- The use of portfolios, observations, learning journals, presentations, observations, peer evaluations and research assignments in the SBA should be endorsed and implemented.
- Students should be allowed to submit SBA electronically.
- SBAs for Mathematics and English will take effect from the revision of those syllabuses (Teaching begins in September 2016 and first examination in 2018).
- A thematic approach should be employed in the development of SBAs.
Retired Senior Assistant Registrar of the Examinations Administration and Security Division, Mrs Susan Giles recently published an article on SBAs. Read the article here:
Learn more about SBA. Click here…