The Sub-Committee of the School Examinations Committee (SUBSEC), met on Tuesday 17 October at CXC Headquarters in Barbados. Among the major decisions coming out of the meeting is the approval of several revised CAPE and CSEC syllabuses.
There was a complete revision of the CAPE Science Cognate – CAPE Biology, Chemistry and Physics syllabuses. The changes made to specific areas of each syllabus, namely, Specific Objectives, Rationale, Aims and Explanatory Notes. Two sections were also added: Suggestions for Teaching and Practical Approach. Each syllabus also had a reduction in the number of questions on Paper 02 to make it more psychometrically robust.
Students doing more than one subject in the cognate group could submit a single SBA and are being encouraged to work in groups on their SBAs.
The approved CAPE Biology, Chemistry, and Physics syllabuses will be available for teaching from September 2018 and for first examination in May/June 2019.
SUBSEC also approved the revision of the CAPE Law syllabus. The amendments to the syllabus include a revision of the SBA guidelines to assist teachers with using the information to guide candidates to demonstrate relevant competencies, skills and abilities identified in the syllabus. There is a change in the assessment of CAPE Law, while Paper 01 will continue to be 45 multiple choice questions, in Paper 02, the extended response paper, candidates will no longer have options, but rather three compulsory extended-response questions. Paper 03/1 will continue to be research paper.
The revised CAPE Law syllabus will be available for teaching from September 2018 and for first examination in May/June 2019.
PASCAL No Longer CSEC IT Programming Language
CSEC Information Technology syllabus revision was also approved by SUBSEC. One of the major changes to the syllabus is the discontinuation of PASCAL as the programming language. The assessment comprises 60 multiple choice questions for Paper 01; four compulsory structured questions for Paper 02, and Paper 03/1 is a practical.
The syllabus will be available for teaching from September 2018 and for examination in May/June 2020.
Music and Theatre Arts
The revised syllabuses for Music and Theatre Arts were also approved. For Music the
format of the assessment would comprise 60 multiple choice questions for Paper 0; two compositions and participation in a viva voce for Paper 02; a practical examination in two sections based on the Performing and Composing profile dimensions; and Paper 03/1 (SBA) – one written assignment (LIAP) and one solo performance and an Ensemble (PERF).
The revised Music syllabus will be available for teaching from September 2018 and for examination in May-June 2020.
For the Theatre Arts syllabus, changes include: revision of the Rationale, Aims and General Objectives; clarification and elaboration of the specific objectives and content; and re-organisation of the syllabus in keeping with the Council’s policies on syllabus development. The reorganisation of the compulsory core and options to be taken from A-Drama, B-Dance, and C-Stage Crafts.