1970 - 19801981 - 19901991 - 20002001 - 20102011 - Present
- The Agreement Establishing the Council is signed in Barbados by the governments of 15 English-speaking Caribbean territories (1972)
- The signing of the Supplementary Agreement in 1973 creates an Administrative and Operational Centre (AOC) in Jamaica called the Western Zone Office (1973)
- The Council holds its first meeting under the Chairmanship of Dr (later Sir) Roy Marshall, Vice Chancellor of the University of the West Indies in Barbados (1973)
- The Western Zone Office becomes operational (1974)
- Council decides to conduct the first examinations in 1979 in Mathematics, English, Caribbean History, Integrated Science and Geography (1975)
- The term Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate(CSEC®) approved for the Council’s certificate (1976)
- The School Examinations Committee (SEC) approves syllabuses for Geography, History, Mathematics, English and Integrated Science (1976)
- May/June, the Council conducts its inaugural examinations for CSEC® in English, Geography, History and Mathematics at General and Basic Proficiencies and Integrated Science as a pilot subject (1979)
- Thirteen of the fourteen Participating Territories present candidates for the first examinations.
- Thirty thousand, two hundred and seventy-six (30, 276) candidates entered (1979)
- Fifty-eight thousand, seven hundred and eight (58,708) subject entries are received for the first examination (1979)
- July 16, 1979 first marking exercise is started in Barbados and Jamaica with 337 markers involved (1979)
- CXC® processes Common Entrance results for Grenada and St Lucia (1979)
- CXC® introduces regulations to accommodate re-sit candidates for subjects with SBAs (1980)
- Grades I and II are recognised as equivalent to GCE O’Level A, B and C grades by the University of the West Indies, the University of Guyana, the Joint Matriculation Board of the UK and admissions offices in the United States and Canada 1980)
- Six new subjects, Agricultural Science, Office Procedures, Principles of Business (POB), Principles of Accounts (POA), Spanish and Typewriting are added to the examination subject offerings
- Trinidad and Tobago becomes the third marking centre (1981)
- CXC® adds two subjects, English B and Social Studies to the offerings bringing the total number of subjects to 13 (1981)
- Preliminary Results Slips are issued for the first time (1981)
- Sub-Committee of the School Examinations Committee (SUBSEC) approves Syllabuses for French and Shorthand (1981)
- CXC® accepts private candidates to write the examinations for the first time (1982)
- Home Economics and Industrial Arts are added to the CXC® subject offerings (1982)
- A total of 53,758 candidates write the examinations and 169,504 subject entries are received (1982)
- Trinidad and Tobago makes Caribbean History a compulsory subject for all candidates (1983)
- French is offered for the first time and attracts 373 candidates (1983)
- Regional Top Awards for outstanding performance in CSEC® are introduced (1988)
- A January sitting of the examinations is introduced (1989)
- Candidate entries pass the one hundred thousand milestone (109,633) (1997)
- The CSEC® Grading Scheme is changed from a five-point scale to a 6-point scale (1998)
- The Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE)® is offered for the first time (1998)
- The University of the West Indies partners with CXC® to offer a scholarship for CSEC® Regional Top Awardees (2001)
- CSEC® and CAPE® timetables and results are disseminated via the CXC® website (2001)
- CSEC® Visual Arts Exhibition is introduced and hosted in Barbados and Jamaica (2003)
- Introduction of CSEC® Theatre Arts (2003)
- Development of self-study guides (2003)
- Registration of trademarks in Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad & Tobago and the United Kingdom (2004)
- Approval of the CXC® Associate Degree (2004)
- CSEC® subject entries pass the half-million mark (528,289) (2006)
- CAPE® Regional Top Awards are presented for the first time (2006)
- The Caribbean Certificate of Secondary Level Competence (CCSLC)® is introduced (2007)
- The Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ)® is first introduced by CXC® (2008)
- 30th anniversary of CSEC® examinations (2009)
- Signing of five (5) articulation agreements with universities in the USA for CAPE® and the CXC® Associate Degree (2009)
- Launch of CXC®’s first Facebook presence (2009)
- Utilization of a charter airline to transport marking personnel across regional marking centres (2009)
- Launch of CXC®’s markers portal (2010)
- Inaugural meeting of the TVEC Policy Committee (2010)
- New syllabus for CAPE® Additional Mathematics approved (2010)
- Amendment to Religious Education syllabus to include the options of Hinduism, Judaism and Islam (2010)
- A CXC® presence is established on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and U-Stream (2010)
- Launch of CCSLC® texts via U-Stream television (2011)
- Ground breaking of plot for New Headquarters location (2011)
- Hosting of first CXC® live webinar (2011)
- Online delivery of examination results to candidates (2011)
- CSEC® Additional Mathematics offered for the first time (2012)
- Grading process administered electronically for all subject offerings except English and Mathematics (2012)
- International benchmarking initiative. Development of a roadmap in Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) (2012)
- New syllabuses are approved for development by SubSEC in Agricultural Science, Entrepreneurship, Performing Arts and Tourism (2012)
- CAPE® Digital Media is launched in Antigua & Barbuda (2012)
- Launch of Second Chance Education Programme targeting “at risk” youth and “out-of-school” population (2013)
- CXC® 40th anniversary highlights 40 years of operations (2013)
- Professor Patrick Bryan is commissioned to write a book “The History of CXC®” (2013)
- CXC® Annual Report publications are published as an interactive DVD (2013)
- Several programmes are rolled out on CMC’s CaribVision channel as part of a regional sensitization and awareness campaign on CXC® and its products and services (2013)
- The CXC® e-Certificate ‘pre-pilot’ Programme.
- Launch of the CXC® Learning Hub
- Launch of the 2021 – 2025 CXC® Strategic Plan
- Approval of the CAPE® Biotechnology syllabus at 2020 Council