Examinations Administration and Security

The Examinations Administration and Security Division deals with the delivery of examination papers and material; administration of CXC® examinations; marking of scripts; data entry; processing and release of results; and delivery of school and other reports and the publishing of annual statistical bulletins.

The EAS also deals with the management, sampling and processing of school-based assessments which is an integral component of the CXC’s examinations. In addition, the Division handles all the examination arrangements for the primary level examinations in two countries.

The Examinations Administration and Security Division existed from 1977 to present. It was first established in 1975 and called the Examinations Administration Division (EAD). Within the EAD, a Test Production Unit and an Operations Unit were established at the end of 1977 to manage the administration of the 1979 examinations.

The Examinations Administration Division was renamed in 2009 to Examinations Administration and Security Division.

Headed by a Senior Manager whose main responsibility was for ensuring that CXC® examinations are successfully conducted and that all pre and post-examination activities were undertaken effectively.

Heads of EAS included:

Year HOD
1977 Mr John M Davidson
1981-2009 Mr Baldwin Hercules
2009-2014 Mrs Susan Giles
2015-2017 Mr Noel Stennett
2017-2019 Mr Rodney Payne
2019-2020 Ms Dianne Medford (Acting)
2020-2024 Mr Teddy Rajan
2024-Present Ms Angela Lowe