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This online event seeks to raise awareness of CXC® as a digital, sustainable, educational enterprise. It aims to assure stakeholders that CXC®, through its strategies, programmes, products and services, is moving in the direction of digital transformation, financial sustainability and excellence. The event will be streamed on CXC-tv:
Keynote Speakers & Presenters
Prof. Sir Hilary Beckles
Chairman, CXC®
Prof. Sir Kenneth Hall
Former Chairman, CXC®
Dr Wayne Wesley
Registrar and CEO, CXC®
Dr Eduardo R. Ali
Pro-Registrar and Deputy CEO, CXC®
Dr tavis d. jules
Professor, Loyola University
Dr Patsy Lewis
Senior Fellow and Director, Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS), Brown University
Dr Terri-Ann Gilbert-Roberts
Research Manager, Commonwealth Secretariat
Dr Barbara Reynolds
Education and Gender Specialist
Prof. Stafford Griffith
Former Pro-Registrar, CXC®
Prof. Densil A. Williams
Principal, University of the West Indies, Five Islands Campus