Animation and Game Design is a course of study that focuses on the process of creating motion and shape change illusion as well as the art of applying design and aesthetics for animation and game development. It facilitates the creative and deliberate use of traditional and new media to represent thoughts, issues, and messages to various audiences. Through a collaborative, highly practical and industry-driven approach, Animation and Game Design will provide opportunities for students not only to develop their aesthetic and technical competence, but to express creativity and conceptualise projects that integrate technology, arts and media to address local and international issues while creating a source of education, entertainment and employment. This syllabus will also empower students for further studies or immediate entry into the job market whether through waged or entrepreneurial (self) employment, by providing goods or services on any feasible scale.
The study of the Animation and Game Design Syllabus will facilitate the achievement of core Twenty-first century student outcomes which include the mastery of information, media and technology skills, life and career skills, and learning and innovation skills. Given the current importance and dynamism of the field of Animation and Gaming both at the regional and international levels, the syllabus will help to increase the cadre of culturally aware practitioners such as content creators, animators, graphic artists, sound engineers/technicians and actors trained in the use of industry-specific skills to solve design and communication problems. This will result in the region being poised to secure and utilise the skillsets and knowledge base that are essential to building and sustaining the digital
economy in the Caribbean.
Ultimately, this course of study in CAPE® Animation and Game Design will develop the Ideal Caribbean Person who, as articulated by CARICOM Heads of Government at their 18th Summit, is emotionally secure with a high level of self-confidence and self-esteem; sees ethnic, religious and other diversity as a source of potential strength and richness; has an informed respect for our cultural heritage; demonstrates multiple literacies, independent and critical thinking, questions the practices of past and present and brings this to bear on the innovative application of science and technology to problem solving; demonstrates a positive work ethic; and values and displays the creative imagination in its various manifestations and nurtures its development in economic and entrepreneurial spheres in all other areas of life. This course of study will also help candidates to meet the criteria of the UNESCO Pillar of Learning, which are, Learning to know, Learning to do and Learning to live together, and Learning to transform themselves and society.