Caribbean Studies

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Caribbean Studies is an interdisciplinary field of study that draws on perspectives, largely from the humanities and social sciences to provide an understanding of Caribbean society and cultures. This interdisciplinary subject provides students with the opportunity to study issues relevant to the distinctive physical, political and socio-economic challenges facing the small states which comprise the region. Such study integrates perspectives from various disciplines including, Cultural Studies and Ethics, Economics, Government and Politics, History, International relations, Physical and Human Ecology, and Sociology, as tools for understanding Caribbean society and culture.

The CAPE Caribbean Studies Syllabus defines the Caribbean region in terms of its geography, common historical experiences, cultural identities, participation in the global community, intermixing of diverse ethnic and racial groups, and its continuing struggle for survival and sovereignty.

Persons who successfully complete this course will have developed an appreciation of the challenges and potential of being Caribbean citizens. They will understand their roles and responsibilities in preserving and contributing to their Caribbean heritage and the importance of regional cooperation for the development of the Caribbean.

The Caribbean Studies Syllabus comprises three Modules:

Module 1 Caribbean Society and Culture
Module 2 Issues in Caribbean Development
Module 3 Investigating Issues in the Caribbean

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