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The Principle of The Modified Approach
Post your questions below to be addressed during the Public Information Session on Thursday, 27 July, 2023
Comments 26
In considering the scores that candidates attained in SBAs versus the scores attained in paper 3, how will CXC deal with this bias? Taking into consideration, that the SBAs are guided over a period of time by teachers and paper threes are done by the candidates alone under exam conditions.
Please comment on the grade compression/inversion risk which is amplified by the modified grading approach as evidenced by the 2020 Grading Crisis as advised by our external independent exam consultants What assurance is given that this challenged does not recur for CSEC Maths 2023 Modified approach?
Please comment on the grade compression/inversion risk which is amplified by the modified grading approach as evidenced by the 2020 Grading Crisis as advised by our external independent exam consultants What assurance is given that this challenged does not recur for CSEC Maths 2023 Modified approach?
Given that 12% of the marks for knowledge come from the SBA/ Paper 3, 16% for comprehension come from the SBA/Paper 3 and 12% for application come from the SBA/paper 3 and in total 40% of the marks come from SBA/ paper 3, how will CXC deal with this bias when these two papers are done under different conditions? I wasn’t satisfied with the answer given to the first question.
What will happen if one forgets to write their name on the question paper of a paper 1 exam considering that your name and number is printed on the mcq sheet by Cxc will this paper be marked ?
Do students who have done a sba have advantage than over those who have done paper 3? Due to the fact that they have time to prepare and score a high percentage and have a better chance of passing compare to those who did paper 3
Is this exam being marked on a curve or arw there clear grade margins? Also how big a role does SBA play since this score is not consistent in terms of marking across the Caribbean?
Is this exam being marked on a curve or are there clear grade margins? Also how big a role does SBA play since this score is not consistent in terms of marking across the Caribbean?
Thank you to CXC for this very useful and important engagement. This is a great improvement in communication with stakeholders and we look forward to continued progression. I would just recommend that similar sessions be later in the evening to maximise engagement of more people.
Is this exam being marked on a curve or are there clear grade margins? Also, how big a role will SBA play since that score is not consistent in terms of marking across the Caribbean and is sometimes considered free marks.
How can this year result be credible when most students already know the answers for the paper one that was administered because most questions came back from previous years paper one? How will CXC test people knowledge and understanding?
Etesting can only work if the schools’ IT infrastructure – devices access and WiFi capability erc – can support same. Surely security will still be an issue as 100% hard copy paper backup for etesting will be required for some time?
In regards to moderation of SBAs since it was said that not all are moderated, what is the percentage of SBAs that CXC remarks? Is there a condition for this as in for example, the students who score above a certain composite grade?
In considering the scores that candidates attained in SBAs versus the scores attained in paper 3, how will CXC deal with this bias? Taking into consideration, that the SBAs are guided over a period of time by teachers and paper threes are done by the candidates alone under exam conditions.
Please comment on the grade compression/inversion risk which is amplified by the modified grading approach as evidenced by the 2020 Grading Crisis as advised by our external independent exam consultants What assurance is given that this challenged does not recur for CSEC Maths 2023 Modified approach?
Excellent question. It always seems unfair.
What percentage of students this year passed the maths exam?
Why does CXC have to be secretive about cut-off points when throughout the world, candidates get to know their percentage scored?
Please comment on the grade compression/inversion risk which is amplified by the modified grading approach as evidenced by the 2020 Grading Crisis as advised by our external independent exam consultants What assurance is given that this challenged does not recur for CSEC Maths 2023 Modified approach?
To get a grade 3 you have to get 70 percent in the exam
So if a student score about 65 is it consider a grade 4
What was the cut-off score for a Grade I for the CSEC Mathematics exam in May/June 2022?
Cut Off scores are not made public.
Given that 12% of the marks for knowledge come from the SBA/ Paper 3, 16% for comprehension come from the SBA/Paper 3 and 12% for application come from the SBA/paper 3 and in total 40% of the marks come from SBA/ paper 3, how will CXC deal with this bias when these two papers are done under different conditions? I wasn’t satisfied with the answer given to the first question.
Why wasn’t something done to support the 2020 students who were psychologically impacted by COVID?
Isn’t Hieronymus scaling technique now considered obsolete? Not seen in modern testing publications
What will happen if one forgets to write their name on the question paper of a paper 1 exam considering that your name and number is printed on the mcq sheet by Cxc will this paper be marked ?
Do students who have done a sba have advantage than over those who have done paper 3? Due to the fact that they have time to prepare and score a high percentage and have a better chance of passing compare to those who did paper 3
Is this exam being marked on a curve or arw there clear grade margins? Also how big a role does SBA play since this score is not consistent in terms of marking across the Caribbean?
Is this exam being marked on a curve or are there clear grade margins? Also how big a role does SBA play since this score is not consistent in terms of marking across the Caribbean?
Thank you to CXC for this very useful and important engagement. This is a great improvement in communication with stakeholders and we look forward to continued progression. I would just recommend that similar sessions be later in the evening to maximise engagement of more people.
Thank you Paula. We appreciate your feedback and it will be shared with the executive team.
Is this exam being marked on a curve or are there clear grade margins? Also, how big a role will SBA play since that score is not consistent in terms of marking across the Caribbean and is sometimes considered free marks.
How can this year result be credible when most students already know the answers for the paper one that was administered because most questions came back from previous years paper one? How will CXC test people knowledge and understanding?
Etesting can only work if the schools’ IT infrastructure – devices access and WiFi capability erc – can support same. Surely security will still be an issue as 100% hard copy paper backup for etesting will be required for some time?
will everyone’s math SBA be remarked?
Does the cut off line for the grades change depending on how the region does ?
In regards to moderation of SBAs since it was said that not all are moderated, what is the percentage of SBAs that CXC remarks? Is there a condition for this as in for example, the students who score above a certain composite grade?
A sample of SBAs is taken from each teacher at each centre