CXC’s rollout of E-testing continues apace with scheduled correspondence to Local Registrars and their IT administrators occupying our attention for the month of September. Unfortunately, we have had to reschedule the orientation of IT administrators of the territories due to the passing of Tropical Storm (now Hurricane) Matthew. We are in touch with them to have this activity in October and further information will be made available shortly. We are currently preparing correspondence and updating our website with information pertaining to other scheduled events such as the availability of practice tests for our January assessment and specimen papers. These will be made available during the month of October for all territories. Following representation by our partners and some consideration of their requests, CXC has amended its recommendations to territories as it relates to readiness activity for January 2017 assessment. Territories can now register for a single subject taking into consideration their infrastructure. What this means is that if a territory wants to electronically test candidates only in a particular subject area, all students will perform the test electronically and therefore no provision would be made to test any of those students using pen and paper for that specific test. This makes it easier for territories to participate taking into consideration the infrastructure limitations that may currently be available locally. We continue to see much progress and will keep stakeholders updated as to our continuing progress in this new and exciting voyage.